Linn County Community Chorus

If you’re in the neighborhood of Marceline or Brookfield, Missouri, this weekend, please make it a point to stop by to hear the Linn County Community Chorus during their Christmas concerts, being held at St. Bonaventure Catholic Church in Marceline on Saturday, December 3rd, at 7PM; and at Trinity United Methodist Church in Brookfield on Sunday, December 4th, at 2PM.

We’ll be singing some classic Christmas songs, plus some fun stuff too. Kids in Motion will also be singing some number with us and by themselves.

All in all, it’ll be a fun time.

Come join us!

What? No Post for Tuesday??

So sue me.

Anyway, it was rather busy yesterday with Jeannie and I going down to Columbia for my allergy shot; then work; then Discipleship class; then Community Chorus dress rehearsal in Marceline…you get the idea.

We kinda ran ragged yesterday.

So, that being said, here’s the latest: Found out that I will have surgery on my nasal deviated septum the morning of December 12th; doctor said it’s best if I get it done now (and it helps having my deductible met for the year). It’s an outpatient surgery and I get to go home that day and probably back to work the next day, depending on how I feel. Pray for me; haven’t underwent an operation since my ankle was fused about 13 years ago. I know it’s minor, but still…

And then 6 days after that I get to sing a solo in our church cantata…oh, boy. Won’t that be fun? LOL. But the nurse assured me that I should be fine. My voice may change a bit but that’s about all.

Allergy shots are going fine. Jeannie got to stick me yesterday, and after next week she gets to give them to me on a regular basis every week for the next two years.

That’s about all from the homefront here. Working on next week’s column. I don’t have a clue yet, like usual.

A Nice Four Days Off…

Just relaxed and caught up on some much needed sleep and nap times during the days; got to visit with family and friends. I finally feel recharged enough after battling this sinus issue for so long. The allergy shots seem to be working fairly well, too. Or maybe it’s the lack of pollen and allergens in the air. 🙂

Peanut Night on Saturday was wonderful with beautiful weather (upper 40’s for the evening) and some top-notch peanuts and a huge crowd to boot. Two Mickey statues were unveiled out of 75 specially crafted ones from around the world; this pair of statues reside here in Marceline, which is pretty cool. One is called Radio Mickey and the other Railroad Mickey (but of course).

Hanging of the Greens at Trinity UMC tonight after services; food and fellowship were at a premium as well. The church is breathtakingly beautiful during this time of year with the festive colors.

All in all, a wonderful holiday weekend.