The Poisonous Tongue

That was the subject broached at our CSBC Wednesday Evening Bible Study for the adults; we had lots of great discussion and some pointed questions asked about this small muscle in our mouths that does such evil and treacherous things.

Why is it that we let our lips sing and speak forth praise unto the Lord on Sundays during our worship, and then let those same lips blast out cuss words during the week? Why do we say we love God and then ungraciously gift our neighbor (and brothers and sisters in Christ) with words of hatred? Where are our hearts and minds when this happens?

James chapter 3 talks on this very topic; it’s one that we don’t care to admit to anyone, including ourselves, because it causes us to look in the mirror and examine our innermost being. You know, those things like the skeletons we hide in our closets; the thoughts that we try to veil to the outside world; even the feelings that we have for our fellow man as we put on those smiles and say everything’s a-ok.

We can’t tame our tongues in our own power, my friends. Only God can help us with them.

Through humbleness (practicing that age-old technique of kneeology), through the wisdom of God’s Word, and through being the correct Godly role models for our families, our spouses, our churches, our co-workers, etc., can we do battle with the tongue. While it is a lifelong struggle, the Lord can give you the right mindset in Christ Jesus to “bite” your tongue before lashing words come out and hurt someone or cause irreparable damage to the Body of believers. Too many churches have divisions by people gossiping, backbiting, and murmuring…we all need to learn, as Christians, to listen to that still, small voice of God…and then do what HE tells us to do, instead of doing what WE want to do.

The tongue can be a wonderful edification tool for Christians…or it can be a devastating stumbling block.

It’s your choice on how you use it.

Be blessed on this Thursday!!

“The Great Adventure Continues!” – July 2010 Linn County Leader Column

It’s been a few months since this column has graced the pages of the Linn County Leader, and many have been wondering, “What’s the deal?” or “Did you quit writing?”

To which I can only answer, “No deal, really,” and “No, I didn’t quit writing at all…just been rather busy.”

You see, these past three months have been filled with changes galore, and all of them deal with the ministry that God has graced us with here in the local area. As most of you are aware of by now, I accepted the position of full-time pastor at CSBC (Caldwell Street Baptist Church) in Brookfield after resigning as a local pastor of the Missouri United Methodist Conference.

And no, contrary to the rumors and innuendo that so often accompanies small town living, I was not forced out or surrendered my pastoral license involuntarily, nor did another church steal me away. I have heard all of these falsehoods, and it saddens me. Gossip is idle and hurtful talk, and has no place among Christians. The reasons for my departure from the UMC are of a personal nature, and have to deal with both philosophical and moralistic issues. I will always look back on my time as an LLP in the UMC with fondness, and made many friends among clergy and parishioners during the past three years. Most of all, I thank the United Methodist Conference for giving me a start in the ministry to which I have been called.

However, as Ecclesiastes says, “to everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.” I truly believe that this is a new ministerial season in our lives, and I feel a renewed purpose and sense of vitality in spreading the Good News throughout our area.

My calling to this new ministry at Caldwell has been a blessing beyond belief, and the circumstances of how God moved to place me there are testimonials of His amazing power at work. Needless to say, they are way too numerous to mention in this short column; I can only sum it up by saying, “Ask me!” From the pastoral search committee meeting to discuss it, to the resume submittal, to the prayers that were lifted up from everywhere….well, it is a true miracle how the process played out!

I have also heard some people say, “Well, the church should’ve waited longer to find a pastor!” And to that I say, “Why? If you can really see God working throughout it all, then why wait?” Sometimes we look right past the will of our Lord and wait to see what WE want to see instead of what He is showing us right in front of our faces.

When we stepped through the doors of Caldwell, we were confronted with a dying fellowship that needed encouragement, edification, and growth; a body of believers that were seeking a vision for their future in the Lord and who were willing to do His work in reaching the least, the last, and the lost; a people who needed God’s love.

Prayerfully, we are meeting those needs as best as we can. In just over a month, we have grown from a core group of 5 people to an average of 25 every Sunday morning; new members are coming in, professions of faith are being given, and baptisms are on the schedule! God is good! And as we continue to live our mission of “Growing, Serving, Reaching,” we strive to make a difference here in Brookfield; this church was started as an outreach from Park Baptist over 40 years ago to help others…and we have the hope and faith that it will continue to do just that for many more years.

So, please pray for CSBC, and for yet another great adventure in the Lord for this servant!

Blessings to you and yours!

Richard is a monthly columnist for the Linn County Leader, and pastor of CSBC (Caldwell Street Baptist Church) in Brookfield. He can be reached at or via his online blog at

Now That The Dust Has Settled…

There have been many people who have asked me why in the world I stopped writing my column in the Linn County Leader; the simple reason is that I have decided to devote all of my energies into both the ministry that God has called Jeannie and I into, plus I am picking up where I left off many years ago with my creative writing projects that have sadly been neglected.

On January 1st, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to begin that novel that I have been dreading to write for many years…and that is my autobiography. Not for myself and for fame and fortune; not for people to read and point fingers at; but for the legacy I will leave behind for my children, and my family.

You see, God has truly blessed me with wonderful kids; yet even they do not know what I have been through in my life–the homelessness; the drug and alcohol abuse; the very bottom depths of the pits of hell that I found myself in, time and time again. No one was to blame for this tragedy but myself…yet the Lord in His awesome love, mercy, and grace, gave me a new life. A life in Him; a life that was no longer my own but was to be lived spreading the Good News that Jesus can, indeed, save souls.

I was one of those souls. And my children; my wife; my friends…they all need to hear this story. A story of a wretch, mired in the sludge of life’s pigpen, who was given a second chance at life.

So, my friends, the challenge begins on Jan. 1. Please pray for me as I set aside a couple of hours per day to embark on this amazing journey once again. I only imagine that there will be tears; there will be memories dredged up out f the muck; but, ultimately, there will be freedom as I share God’s power to give peace to a man who was once blind…but now can truly see.