Move Update!

Well, our DSL will be shut off today in prep for the move tomorrow, so I’ll be offline for a few days while I get everything situated. Need to run a phone line into the office, set up the desks, computers, etc. and here’s hoping that the time frame for the DSL to be turned back on is right (SBC says Tuesday, but we will see).

So, I’ll be out of sorts and out of touch until the first of the week. Give me some time to rest my eyes from the computer. I spend entirely too much time on it at work AND at home (where I do even more work).

Once again, if you’re in the Marceline area stop by the old homestead about 10AM and we’ll put you to work throwing boxes around and moving furniture. Hopefully, if things go well, we will be done by early afternoon. We don’t really want to spend a whole lot of time outside with temps in the teens. Brrrrrrr!

Have a great weekend! 😀

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