Yes, I Am Truly Back——->Finally!

After a totally packed weekend of Community Chorus Concerts and church and everything else Jeannie and I jammed into two short days…I am back! Whew.

Remind me why I am so involved with things sometimes. LOL.

Anyway, now the focus is on my surgery a week from today and the TUMC Christmas cantata 6 days after that. I am still planning on singing, if at all possible. To God be the glory! After all He has done for me in my life, it is a small price to be paid if I hurt while I sing. Pain goes away; God love endures forever. 🙂

Had my last allergy shot down in Columbia today; Jeannie will give them to me from now on (the next 2 years) while my body builds up resistance to the things I am allergic to. I have already noticed that I’m not taking near as much allergy medication. This is a GOOD thing.

Discipleship Class later tonight; studying about the Exodus and Passover. Great events!

More later!