What Has Happened to Christmas?

More and more, the things and people of this world are trying to “secularize” Christmas into a generic holiday; one where more politically correct words are used to describe this most wonderful time of the year when we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ’s birth.

Check out this news from the American Family Association’s website.

Or this, from ABC News.

Or, perhaps this tidbit from Christianity Today.

Folks, we are in a very real, and very spiritual, war for the souls of man. This is apparent by the garbage that is going on with Christmas, as well as with Christians.

Let’s take a stand…and tell them to keep the Christ in Christmas.

After all…He is why we celebrate.

It. Is. Very. Cold. Outside.

Five below zero last night; thank God for good heat and snuggles from my wife Jeannie. 🙂

At least the forecast is calling for a gradual warming trend; nothing earth-shattering but at least it will give us some relief from the frigid temps of the past several days.

The Davis household has brought out the big guns and decided to fire up the wood stove. We’re amazed by the amount of heart this outside unit produces and funnels into our furnace; it’s a whole lot cheaper than gas heat, to be sure.

BTW, if anyone has a name and number of someone selling good firewood just drop us a line and it would be greatly appreciated. We’re running low on the pile that we have had sitting out back, and it’s time to replenish.

Got some business to take care of this weekend around town and out of town as well. Things are looking up for Jeannie and I concerning our business. More on that later!
