Just Checking In…

Here’s what’s happened the past few days:

Trinity’s cantata at Cornerstone Church in Chillicothe was wonderful! I could actually sing (even though I just about lost my voice at the end of the last song). There were several in the choir who commented on how I sounded different. I FEEL different when I sing now; more open and more distinct. Hard to explain, but it’s there nonetheless. And, best of all, Wednesday night was very Spirit-filled and God was glorified!

My breathing is becoming more and more open as I continue to heal. I thank God for the skillful and meticulous hands of the surgeon and operating room staff. It’s a truly miraculous feeling to be able to breathe NORMALLY; something that I haven’t done in over 16 years.

Had some good snow showers yesterday but nothing stuck. 😦 Too bad.

Taking a trip this weekend to Kansas City to see the Plaza lights and eat at Houston’s, which is Jeannie’s favorite place in the whole world! (I love you, honey).

Singing the Christmas cantata again Sunday night at Trinity at 7PM. If you’re in close proximity to Brookfield (100 miles should suffice) please stop by as we sing “The Gift Goes On.” You’ll be blessed!

NINE days to Christmas. ARG!!

God’s been really dealing with me today about finishing ALL the stories I have started; the books that have went unfinished. Gonna write that down as one of my resolutions for the new year. PLUS losing some extra poundage.

That’s what going on in this neck o’ the woods. How about you?